Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Libations for Life: Superman movie edition

Much like cuts of meat and chunks of pricey cheese, every life experience has a drink that enhances the experience. Here is a guide to matching the right libation with any scenario. I'm planning on this being a weekly feature. Today's subject: What alcohol goes best with the new Superman movie.

The Situation: Superman isn’t a hero who’s associated with alcohol. I mean, he’s perceived as being so wholesome and squeaky clean, he makes — cheap hit alert — Tim Tebow like Tony Stark. But with the release of “The Man of Steel,” the original superhero is back. This calls for a celebration, right? And there’s only one spirit that stands up to the Man of Tomorrow, the strongest being in the universe, the ultimate fighter for truth, justice and the American way. 

The Solution: Pinot grigio 

The Suggestion: Chilled. Preferably in a glass. 

The Explanation: Whoa, WHAT? This is Superman, right? Powerful, bracing, American, all that?? Shouldn’t I have gone for something a little more, you know, ass-kicking???  I’m really supposed to convince y’all that Superman is best represented by a semi-sweet white wine more suited for picnics or soft jazz????
OK, here’s the rationale. Superman is clean, like sunlight. And as Galileo reportedly said, “Water is sunlight, held together by water.” Pinot grigio looks like sunlight in a bottle, so Galileo definitely was on to something (the man did know his outer-space stuff, after all).
Pinot grigio also is light and airy, befitting a superhero whose defining power is flying. But as far as white wines go, pinot grigio does have a little bit of a punchy flavor, with all the solid fruit flavor in it.
Feel free to disagree. But you would be disagreeing with a guy who has reams of Superman comics, three Superman shirts, a bunch of Superman pens and Superman sleeping pants (which no longer fit thanks to my not-exactly-Superman-esque physique).
There’s also this little gem that I’ve had for about 40 years …

… and I know just what to drink out of it.  

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